
Sorry for the radio silence. The past month has been jammed packed, and tension-filled. It culminated in a nail-biting, down-to-the-wire cliffhanger which, I’m pleased to say went my way: I got offered a job.

Actually, two jobs; after over two years of job hunting – some 310 job applications and 42 job interviews (a few of those second and third interviews for the same job) – I found myself in the enviable position of having to choose; and not just choose between a mediocre job and a so-so alternative – these were two viable, exciting, interesting jobs in a field I actually have a strong passion and commitment for: ending violence.

In the end, I was flattered to be offered a new job – one that I will have a hand in shaping and building – as the Violence Prevention Communications Coordinator for the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA). I will start later this week, as Sept. turns to October. I look forward to it with much excitement and anticipation.

That also means that things might be on the slow side here; I will be spending the first part of this week traveling (returning from a visit on the east-coast with family and friends) and better part of the next two weeks acclimating myself to a new work environment and schedule. As soon as I get a chance to come up for air, I’ll have some stories and thoughts to share here. I promise.

Speaking of which, I’m so please that my last post has garnered so many comments – especially because many among them are folks who were able to avoid falling for a fake condo ad thanks to my warning; happy to do my part in the cause to prevent a**holes from using Craigslist (and the web in general) to steal people’s personal information.


cross posted from Facebook (sorry to my friends for the redundancy…); I was in a whimsical mood yesterday (must have been all the Robitussin in my system), and I re-tooled a Cole Porter classic:

The year is young, the cupboard’s bare,
and you really need some new clothes to wear,
It’s de-frightful, it’s de-vicious, it’s De-pression.

I understand the reason why
You’re strapped for cash, ’cause so am I
It’s de-Wall Street, it’s the de-conomy, it’s De-pression.

You can tell at a glance very little’s left of your balance
You can hear your dear Mother murmering low, “do you need some dough?”

So please be sweet, my CPA, and when I ask you could you say
It’s protected, it’s diversified, it’s impervious, it’s retirement,
Not, it’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de limit, it’s De-pression!