ether or…

Tonight I embark on an experiment of sorts; I’m participating in a four day enlightenment intensive… sort of a retreat for the “soul” (whatever that means to you)… or, as I am trying to frame it for myself, a vision quest…

I’m both looking forward to it, and slightly trepidatious; this could definitely move stuff (metaphorically speaking) which has kept me somewhat stuck in a rut the last couple of years of my life — that’s why I’m doing it in the first place… and like most life-changing events that brings with it the promise of the new and the fear of losing grip with the things you’ve always identified yourself with for years on end (even if that “thing” is leftover pain from a failed relationship or lost loved one that you can’t change and should have put to rest eons ago…).

Does that make sense?

At any rate, since I’ll be cut off completely for several days, you’ll all just have to wait until next week when I get back and I’ll hopefully have some insights, stories, reflections to share.

Unless I reach complete enlightenment and just vaporize into the ionosphere…
(from ethernet to ether, as it t’were…).

human intention…

Add to the ever growing list of wonderful minds/work that I’ve been exposed to thanks to PBS, architect William McDonough.

He was one of four (I think… math never was my strong suit) designers/architects profiled in the fourth installment of the series Design: e2 looking at construction and the environment. His thinking is really clear, articulate, intelligent and thought-provoking.

A quick search on YouTube turned up a talk of his from the TED conference 2005: It’s about 20 min. but worth the viewing…

The “take home” quote: “How do we love all the children of all species for all time?”

Sounds like a species mission statement to me…

{addendum: currently reading Cradle 2 Cradle, a fascinating book. They are also building a community website}