monty moonlights as a rock star…
Originally uploaded by sdmonty
Wow, what an experience! Friends of mine formed an ad-hoc band to play a fundraiser for Alliance for Animals at a local coffee shop, and they roped me into doing some vocals and adding harmonica to some ’80’s covers.
Yes, as an actor I’ve been on stage hundreds of times, but nothing prepared me for this; first off, the “band†had barely rehearsed at all; it’s composed of two fellows from a legitimate band (The German Art Students… they rock – check ‘em out), but who were playing instruments they usually don’t play; plus my friend Pat, plus me. Also, it’s difficult to explain what it’s like to try to speak/sing/play an instrument when you’re literally surrounded by sound; I could barely discern the notes that were emitting from my harp (the sound set up at the coffee shop, though decent, did not allow for monitors – speakers facing us, the players, so we had no way of directly guageing the performance other than the roar of the crowd, which only added to the din).
I had a splitting headache when it was all done, and I thought of my good friend, Bryan, a former music critic who can no longer go to concerts because he developed tenitis (sp?). I can see now how easy that must be…
All in all, I had a blast (though I wish there had been more groupies… I was really counting on a lot of groupie action…). Glad I did it. Don’t know if there will ever be an occasion like it again.